Consensus optimizationΒΆ
Suppose we have a convex optimization problem with \(N\) terms in the objective
For example, we might be fitting a model to data and \(f_i\) is the loss function for the \(i\)th block of training data.
We can convert this problem into consensus form
We interpret the \(x_i\) as local variables, since they are particular to a given \(f_i\). The variable \(z\), by contrast, is global. The constraints \(x_i = z\) enforce consistency, or consensus.
We can solve a problem in consensus form using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). Each iteration of ADMM reduces to the following updates:
where \(\overline{x}^k = (1/N)\sum_{i=1}^N x^k_i\).
The following code carries out consensus ADMM, using CVXPY to solve the local subproblems.
We split the \(x_i\) variables across \(N\) different worker processes. The workers update the \(x_i\) in parallel. A master process then gathers and averages the \(x_i\) and broadcasts \(\overline x\) back to the workers. The workers update \(u_i\) locally.
from cvxpy import *
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
# Number of terms f_i.
N = ...
# A list of all the f_i.
f_list = ...
def run_worker(f, pipe):
xbar = Parameter(n, value=np.zeros(n))
u = Parameter(n, value=np.zeros(n))
f += (rho/2)*sum_squares(x - xbar + u)
prox = Problem(Minimize(f))
# ADMM loop.
while True:
xbar.value = pipe.recv()
u.value += x.value - xbar.value
# Setup the workers.
pipes = []
procs = []
for i in range(N):
local, remote = Pipe()
pipes += [local]
procs += [Process(target=run_process, args=(f_list[i], remote))]
# ADMM loop.
for i in range(MAX_ITER):
# Gather and average xi
xbar = sum(pipe.recv() for pipe in pipes)/N
# Scatter xbar
for pipe in pipes:
[p.terminate() for p in procs]