The Problem
class is the entry point to
specifying and solving optimization problems. Each
instance encapsulates an optimization
problem, i.e., an objective and a set of constraints.
method either solves the problem
encoded by the instance, returning the optimal value and setting variables
values to optimal points, or reports that the problem was in fact infeasible or
unbounded. You can construct a problem, solve it, and inspect both its value
and the values of its variables like so:
problem = Problem(Minimize(expression), constraints)
if problem.status not in ["infeasible", "unbounded"]:
# Otherwise, problem.value is inf or -inf, respectively.
print("Optimal value: %s" % problem.value)
for variable in problem.variables():
print("Variable %s: value %s" % (, variable.value))
Problems are immutable, except through the specification of
values. This means
that you cannot modify a problem’s objective or constraints after you have
created it. If you find yourself wanting to add a constraint to an existing
problem, you should instead create a new problem using, for example, the
following idiom:
problem = Problem(Minimize(expression), constraints)
problem = Problem(problem.objective, problem.constraints + new_constraints)
Most users need not know anything about the
class except how to instantiate it,
how to solve problem instances (solve()
and how to query the solver results
Information about the size of a problem instance and statistics about the most
recent solve invocation are captured by the
classes, respectively, and can be
accessed via the size_metrics()
properties of the
- class cvxpy.Minimize(expr)[source]¶
An optimization objective for minimization.
- Parameters:¶
- expr : Expression¶
The expression to minimize. Must be a scalar.
- Raises:¶
ValueError – If expr is not a scalar.
- class cvxpy.Maximize(expr)[source]¶
An optimization objective for maximization.
- Parameters:¶
- expr : Expression¶
The expression to maximize. Must be a scalar.
- Raises:¶
ValueError – If expr is not a scalar.
class cvxpy.Problem(objective: Minimize | Maximize, constraints: list[Constraint] | None =
)[source]¶ A convex optimization problem.
Problems are immutable, save for modification through the specification of
- Parameters:¶
- backward() None [source]¶
Compute the gradient of a solution with respect to Parameters.
This method differentiates through the solution map of the problem, obtaining the gradient of a solution with respect to the Parameters. In other words, it calculates the sensitivities of the Parameters with respect to perturbations in the optimal Variable values. This can be useful for integrating CVXPY into automatic differentiation toolkits.
populates thegradient
attribute of each Parameter in the problem as a side-effect. It can only be called after callingsolve()
.Below is a simple example:
import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np p = cp.Parameter() x = cp.Variable() quadratic = cp.square(x - 2 * p) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(quadratic), [x >= 0]) p.value = 3.0 problem.solve(requires_grad=True, eps=1e-10) # backward() populates the gradient attribute of the parameters problem.backward() # Because x* = 2 * p, dx*/dp = 2 np.testing.assert_allclose(p.gradient, 2.0)
In the above example, the gradient could easily be computed by hand. The
is useful because for almost all problems, the gradient cannot be computed analytically.This method can be used to differentiate through any DCP or DGP problem, as long as the problem is DPP compliant (i.e.,
evaluates toTrue
).This method uses the chain rule to evaluate the gradients of a scalar-valued function of the Variables with respect to the Parameters. For example, let x be a variable and p a Parameter; x and p might be scalars, vectors, or matrices. Let f be a scalar-valued function, with z = f(x). Then this method computes dz/dp = (dz/dx) (dx/p). dz/dx is chosen as the all-ones vector by default, corresponding to choosing f to be the sum function. You can specify a custom value for dz/dx by setting the
attribute on your variables. For example,import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np b = cp.Parameter() x = cp.Variable() quadratic = cp.square(x - 2 * b) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(quadratic), [x >= 0]) b.value = 3. problem.solve(requires_grad=True, eps=1e-10) x.gradient = 4. problem.backward() # dz/dp = dz/dx dx/dp = 4. * 2. == 8. np.testing.assert_allclose(b.gradient, 8.)
attribute on a variable can also be interpreted as a perturbation to its optimal value.- Raises:¶
ValueError – if solve was not called with
SolverError – if the problem is infeasible or unbounded
- derivative() None [source]¶
Apply the derivative of the solution map to perturbations in the Parameters
This method applies the derivative of the solution map to perturbations in the Parameters to obtain perturbations in the optimal values of the Variables. In other words, it tells you how the optimal values of the Variables would be changed by small changes to the Parameters.
You can specify perturbations in a Parameter by setting its
attribute (if unspecified, the perturbation defaults to 0).This method populates the
attribute of the Variables as a side-effect.This method can only be called after calling
. It is compatible with both DCP and DGP problems (that are also DPP-compliant).Below is a simple example:
import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np p = cp.Parameter() x = cp.Variable() quadratic = cp.square(x - 2 * p) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(quadratic), [x >= 0]) p.value = 3.0 problem.solve(requires_grad=True, eps=1e-10) # derivative() populates the delta attribute of the variables = 1e-3 problem.derivative() # Because x* = 2 * p, dx*/dp = 2, so (dx*/dp)( == 2e-3 np.testing.assert_allclose(, 2e-3)
- Raises:¶
ValueError – if solve was not called with
SolverError – if the problem is infeasible or unbounded
get_problem_data(solver, gp: bool =
, enforce_dpp: bool =False
, ignore_dpp: bool =False
, verbose: bool =False
, canon_backend: str | None =None
, solver_opts: dict | None =None
)[source]¶ Returns the problem data used in the call to the solver.
When a problem is solved, CVXPY creates a chain of reductions enclosed in a
, and compiles it to some low-level representation that is compatible with the targeted solver. This method returns that low-level representation.For some solving chains, this low-level representation is a dictionary that contains exactly those arguments that were supplied to the solver; however, for other solving chains, the data is an intermediate representation that is compiled even further by the solver interfaces.
A solution to the equivalent low-level problem can be obtained via the data by invoking the solve_via_data method of the returned solving chain, a thin wrapper around the code external to CVXPY that further processes and solves the problem. Invoke the unpack_results method to recover a solution to the original problem.
For example:
objective = ... constraints = ... problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) data, chain, inverse_data = problem.get_problem_data(cp.SCS) # calls SCS using `data` soln = chain.solve_via_data(problem, data) # unpacks the solution returned by SCS into `problem` problem.unpack_results(soln, chain, inverse_data)
Alternatively, the data dictionary returned by this method contains enough information to bypass CVXPY and call the solver directly.
For example:
problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) data, _, _ = problem.get_problem_data(cp.SCS) import scs probdata = { 'A': data['A'], 'b': data['b'], 'c': data['c'], } cone_dims = data['dims'] cones = { "f":, "l": cone_dims.nonneg, "q": cone_dims.soc, "ep": cone_dims.exp, "s": cone_dims.psd, } soln = scs.solve(data, cones)
The structure of the data dict that CVXPY returns depends on the solver. For details, consult the solver interfaces in cvxpy/reductions/solvers.
- Parameters:¶
- solver : str¶
The solver the problem data is for.
- gp : bool, optional¶
If True, then parses the problem as a disciplined geometric program instead of a disciplined convex program.
- enforce_dpp : bool, optional¶
When True, a DPPError will be thrown when trying to parse a non-DPP problem (instead of just a warning). Defaults to False.
- ignore_dpp : bool, optional¶
When True, DPP problems will be treated as non-DPP, which may speed up compilation. Defaults to False.
- canon_backend : str, optional¶
‘CPP’ (default) | ‘SCIPY’ Specifies which backend to use for canonicalization, which can affect compilation time. Defaults to None, i.e., selecting the default backend.
- verbose : bool, optional¶
If True, print verbose output related to problem compilation.
- solver_opts : dict, optional¶
A dict of options that will be passed to the specific solver. In general, these options will override any default settings imposed by cvxpy.
- Returns:¶
dict or object – lowest level representation of problem
SolvingChain – The solving chain that created the data.
list – The inverse data generated by the chain.
- Raises:¶
cvxpy.error.DPPError – Raised if DPP settings are invalid.
is_dcp(dpp: bool =
) bool [source]¶ Does the problem satisfy DCP rules?
- Parameters:¶
- dpp : bool, optional¶
If True, enforce the disciplined parametrized programming (DPP) ruleset; only relevant when the problem involves Parameters. DPP is a mild restriction of DCP. When a problem involving Parameters is DPP, subsequent solves can be much faster than the first one. For more information, consult the documentation at
- Returns:¶
True if the Expression is DCP, False otherwise.
- Return type:¶
is_dgp(dpp: bool =
) bool [source]¶ Does the problem satisfy DGP rules?
- Parameters:¶
- dpp : bool, optional¶
If True, enforce the disciplined parametrized programming (DPP) ruleset; only relevant when the problem involves Parameters. DPP is a mild restriction of DGP. When a problem involving Parameters is DPP, subsequent solves can be much faster than the first one. For more information, consult the documentation at
- Returns:¶
True if the Expression is DGP, False otherwise.
- Return type:¶
is_dpp(context: str =
) bool [source]¶ Does the problem satisfy DPP rules?
DPP is a mild restriction of DGP. When a problem involving Parameters is DPP, subsequent solves can be much faster than the first one. For more information, consult the documentation at
- Parameters:¶
- context : str¶
Whether to check DPP-compliance for DCP or DGP;
should be either'dcp'
. Callingproblem.is_dpp('dcp')
is equivalent toproblem.is_dcp(dpp=True)
, and problem.is_dpp(‘dgp’)` is equivalent to problem.is_dgp(dpp=True).
- Returns:¶
Whether the problem satisfies the DPP rules.
- Return type:¶
- classmethod register_solve(name: str, func) None [source]¶
Adds a solve method to the Problem class.
- solve(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Compiles and solves the problem using the specified method.
Populates the
attributes on the problem object as a side-effect.- Parameters:¶
- solver : str, optional
The solver to use. For example, ‘CLARABEL’, ‘SCS’, or ‘OSQP’.
- solver_path : list of (str, dict) tuples or strings, optional
The solvers to use with optional arguments. The function tries the solvers in the given order and returns the first solver’s solution that succeeds. For example, [‘SCS’, (‘OSQP’, {‘max_iter’:10000})]
- verbose : bool, optional
Overrides the default of hiding solver output, and prints logging information describing CVXPY’s compilation process.
- gp : bool, optional
If True, parses the problem as a disciplined geometric program instead of a disciplined convex program.
- qcp : bool, optional
If True, parses the problem as a disciplined quasiconvex program instead of a disciplined convex program.
- requires_grad : bool, optional
Makes it possible to compute gradients of a solution with respect to Parameters by calling
after solving, or to compute perturbations to the variables given perturbations to Parameters by callingproblem.derivative()
.Gradients are only supported for DCP and DGP problems, not quasiconvex problems. When computing gradients (i.e., when this argument is True), the problem must satisfy the DPP rules.
- enforce_dpp : bool, optional
When True, a DPPError will be thrown when trying to solve a non-DPP problem (instead of just a warning). Only relevant for problems involving Parameters. Defaults to False.
- ignore_dpp : bool, optional
When True, DPP problems will be treated as non-DPP, which may speed up compilation. Defaults to False.
- method : function, optional
A custom solve method to use.
- kwargs : keywords, optional¶
Additional solver specific arguments. See Notes below.
CVXPY interfaces with a wide range of solvers; the algorithms used by these solvers have arguments relating to stopping criteria, and strategies to improve solution quality.
There is no one choice of arguments which is perfect for every problem. If you are not getting satisfactory results from a solver, you can try changing its arguments. The exact way this is done depends on the specific solver. Here are some examples:
prob.solve(solver='ECOS', abstol=1e-6) prob.solve(solver='OSQP', max_iter=10000). mydict = {"MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_NEAR_REL": 10} prob.solve(solver='MOSEK', mosek_params=mydict).
You should refer to CVXPY’s web documentation for details on how to pass solver solver arguments, available at
- Returns:¶
The optimal value for the problem, or a string indicating why the problem could not be solved.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
cvxpy.error.DCPError – Raised if the problem is not DCP and gp is False.
cvxpy.error.DGPError – Raised if the problem is not DGP and gp is True.
cvxpy.error.DPPError – Raised if DPP settings are invalid.
cvxpy.error.SolverError – Raised if no suitable solver exists among the installed solvers, or if an unanticipated error is encountered.
- unpack_results(solution, chain: SolvingChain, inverse_data) None [source]¶
Updates the problem state given the solver results.
Updates problem.status, problem.value and value of primal and dual variables.
- Parameters:¶
- solution : object¶
The solution returned by applying the chain to the problem and invoking the solver on the resulting data.
- chain : SolvingChain¶
A solving chain that was used to solve the problem.
- inverse_data : list¶
The inverse data returned by applying the chain to the problem.
- Raises:¶
cvxpy.error.SolverError – If the solver failed
- property compilation_time : float | None¶
The number of seconds it took to compile the problem the last time it was compiled.
- Type:¶
- property constraints : list[Constraint]¶
A shallow copy of the problem’s constraints.
Note that constraints cannot be reassigned, appended to, or otherwise modified after creation, except through parameters.
- property objective : Minimize | Maximize¶
The problem’s objective.
Note that the objective cannot be reassigned after creation, and modifying the objective after creation will result in undefined behavior.
- property size_metrics : SizeMetrics¶
Information about the problem’s size.
- Type:¶
- property solver_stats : SolverStats¶
Information returned by the solver.
- Type:¶
- class cvxpy.problems.problem.SizeMetrics(problem: Problem)[source]¶
Reports various metrics regarding the problem.
- num_scalar_data¶
The number of scalar constants and parameters in the problem. The number of constants used across all matrices, vectors, in the problem. Some constants are not apparent when the problem is constructed: for example, The sum_squares expression is a wrapper for a quad_over_lin expression with a constant 1 in the denominator.
- Type:¶
class cvxpy.problems.problem.SolverStats(solver_name: str, solve_time: float | None =
, setup_time: float | None =None
, num_iters: int | None =None
, extra_stats: dict | None =None
)[source]¶ Reports some of the miscellaneous information that is returned by the solver after solving but that is not captured directly by the Problem instance.
- extra_stats¶
Extra statistics specific to the solver; these statistics are typically returned directly from the solver, without modification by CVXPY. This object may be a dict, or a custom Python object.
- Type:¶
extra_stats : dict | None =
- classmethod from_dict(attr: dict, solver_name: str) SolverStats [source]¶
Construct a SolverStats object from a dictionary of attributes.
num_iters : int | None =
setup_time : float | None =
solve_time : float | None =
- solver_name : str¶