Source code for cvxpy.expressions.expression

Copyright 2013 Steven Diamond

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

import abc
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np

import cvxpy.settings as s
import cvxpy.utilities as u
import cvxpy.utilities.key_utils as ku
import cvxpy.utilities.performance_utils as perf
from cvxpy import error
from cvxpy.constraints import PSD, Equality, Inequality
from cvxpy.expressions import cvxtypes
from cvxpy.utilities import scopes
from cvxpy.utilities.shape import size_from_shape

def _cast_other(binary_op):
    """Casts the second argument of a binary operator as an Expression.

        binary_op: A binary operator in the Expression class.

        A wrapped binary operator that can handle non-Expression arguments.

    def cast_op(self, other):
        """A wrapped binary operator that can handle non-Expression arguments.
        other = self.cast_to_const(other)
        return binary_op(self, other)
    return cast_op


This use of ``*`` has resulted in matrix multiplication.
Using ``*`` for matrix multiplication has been deprecated since CVXPY 1.1.
    Use ``*`` for matrix-scalar and vector-scalar multiplication.
    Use ``@`` for matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication.
    Use ``multiply`` for elementwise multiplication.
This code path has been hit %s times so far.

You're calling a NumPy function on a CVXPY expression. This is prone to causing
errors or code that doesn't behave as expected. Consider using one of the
functions documented here:

You're trying to mutate a CVXPY expression inplace. This is prone to errors or
code that doesn't behave as expected. Consider alternatives. For example, replace
    x += 1
    x = x + 1

__ABS_ERROR__ = """
You're calling the built-in abs function on a CVXPY expression. This is not
supported. Consider using the abs function provided by CVXPY.

        np.add: lambda self, a: self.__radd__(a),
        np.subtract: lambda self, a: self.__rsub__(a),
        np.multiply: lambda self, a: self.__rmul__(a),
        np.divide: lambda self, a: self.__rdiv__(a),
        np.matmul: lambda self, a: self.__rmatmul__(a),
        np.power: lambda self, a: self.__rpow__(a),
        np.left_shift: lambda self, a: self.__rlshift__(a),
        np.right_shift: lambda self, a: self.__rrshift__(a),
        np.equal: lambda self, a: self.__eq__(a),
        # <= and >= are backwards because this is only called for code of the
        # form ndarray <= Expression
        np.less_equal: lambda self, a: self.__ge__(a),
        np.greater_equal: lambda self, a: self.__le__(a),
        np.less: lambda self, a: self.__gt__(a),
        np.greater: lambda self, a: self.__lt__(a),

ExpressionLike = "Expression | np.typing.ArrayLike"

[docs]class Expression(u.Canonical): """A mathematical expression in a convex optimization problem. Overloads many operators to allow for convenient creation of compound expressions (e.g., the sum of two expressions) and constraints. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta # Handles arithmetic operator overloading with Numpy. __array_priority__ = 100 @abc.abstractproperty def value(self): """NumPy.ndarray or None : The numeric value of the expression. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _value_impl(self): """Implementation of .value. """ return self.value @abc.abstractproperty def grad(self): """Gives the (sub/super)gradient of the expression w.r.t. each variable. Matrix expressions are vectorized, so the gradient is a matrix. Returns ------- dict A map of variable to SciPy CSC sparse matrix; None if a variable value is missing. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractproperty def domain(self): """list : The constraints describing the closure of the region where the expression is finite. """ raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(self) -> str: """Returns a string showing the mathematical expression. """ return def __repr__(self) -> str: """Returns a string with information about the expression. """ return "Expression(%s, %s, %s)" % (self.curvature, self.sign, self.shape)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: """str : The string representation of the expression. """ raise NotImplementedError()
@property def expr(self): """Expression : returns itself.""" return self # Curvature properties. @property def curvatures(self) -> List[str]: """List : Returns a list of the curvatures of the expression.""" curvatures = [ (self.is_constant, s.CONSTANT), (self.is_affine, s.AFFINE), (self.is_convex, s.CONVEX), (self.is_concave, s.CONCAVE), (self.is_log_log_constant, s.LOG_LOG_CONSTANT), (self.is_log_log_affine, s.LOG_LOG_AFFINE), (self.is_log_log_convex, s.LOG_LOG_CONVEX), (self.is_log_log_concave, s.LOG_LOG_CONCAVE), (self.is_quasilinear, s.QUASILINEAR), (self.is_quasiconvex, s.QUASICONVEX), (self.is_quasiconcave, s.QUASICONCAVE), ] curvatures = [curvature for condition, curvature in curvatures if condition()] if not curvatures: return [s.UNKNOWN] return curvatures @property def curvature(self) -> str: """str : The curvature of the expression. """ if self.is_constant(): curvature_str = s.CONSTANT elif self.is_affine(): curvature_str = s.AFFINE elif self.is_convex(): curvature_str = s.CONVEX elif self.is_concave(): curvature_str = s.CONCAVE elif self.is_log_log_affine(): curvature_str = s.LOG_LOG_AFFINE elif self.is_log_log_convex(): curvature_str = s.LOG_LOG_CONVEX elif self.is_log_log_concave(): curvature_str = s.LOG_LOG_CONCAVE elif self.is_quasilinear(): curvature_str = s.QUASILINEAR elif self.is_quasiconvex(): curvature_str = s.QUASICONVEX elif self.is_quasiconcave(): curvature_str = s.QUASICONCAVE else: curvature_str = s.UNKNOWN return curvature_str @property def log_log_curvature(self) -> str: """str : The log-log curvature of the expression. """ if self.is_log_log_constant(): curvature_str = s.LOG_LOG_CONSTANT elif self.is_log_log_affine(): curvature_str = s.LOG_LOG_AFFINE elif self.is_log_log_convex(): curvature_str = s.LOG_LOG_CONVEX elif self.is_log_log_concave(): curvature_str = s.LOG_LOG_CONCAVE else: curvature_str = s.UNKNOWN return curvature_str
[docs] @perf.compute_once def is_constant(self) -> bool: """Is the expression constant? """ return 0 in self.shape or all( arg.is_constant() for arg in self.args)
[docs] @perf.compute_once def is_affine(self) -> bool: """Is the expression affine? """ return self.is_constant() or (self.is_convex() and self.is_concave())
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_convex(self) -> bool: """Is the expression convex? """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_concave(self) -> bool: """Is the expression concave? """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @perf.compute_once def is_dcp(self, dpp: bool = False) -> bool: """Checks whether the Expression is DCP. Parameters ---------- dpp : bool, optional If True, enforce the disciplined parametrized programming (DPP) ruleset; only relevant when the problem involves Parameters. Returns ------- bool True if the Expression is DCP, False otherwise. """ if dpp: with scopes.dpp_scope(): return self.is_convex() or self.is_concave() return self.is_convex() or self.is_concave()
def is_log_log_constant(self) -> bool: """Is the expression log-log constant, ie, elementwise positive? """ if not self.is_constant(): return False if isinstance(self, (cvxtypes.constant(), cvxtypes.parameter())): return self.is_pos() else: return self.value is not None and np.all(self.value > 0)
[docs] @perf.compute_once def is_log_log_affine(self) -> bool: """Is the expression affine? """ return (self.is_log_log_constant() or (self.is_log_log_convex() and self.is_log_log_concave()))
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_log_log_convex(self) -> bool: """Is the expression log-log convex? """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_log_log_concave(self) -> bool: """Is the expression log-log concave? """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def is_dgp(self, dpp: bool = False) -> bool: """Checks whether the Expression is log-log DCP. Returns ------- bool True if the Expression is log-log DCP, False otherwise. """ if dpp: with scopes.dpp_scope(): return self.is_log_log_convex() or self.is_log_log_concave() return self.is_log_log_convex() or self.is_log_log_concave()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_dpp(self, context: str = 'dcp') -> bool: """The expression is a disciplined parameterized expression. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def is_quasiconvex(self) -> bool: return self.is_convex() def is_quasiconcave(self) -> bool: return self.is_concave() def is_quasilinear(self) -> bool: return self.is_quasiconvex() and self.is_quasiconcave()
[docs] @perf.compute_once def is_dqcp(self) -> bool: """Checks whether the Expression is DQCP. Returns ------- bool True if the Expression is DQCP, False otherwise. """ return self.is_quasiconvex() or self.is_quasiconcave()
def is_hermitian(self) -> bool: """Is the expression a Hermitian matrix? """ return (self.is_real() and self.is_symmetric()) def is_psd(self) -> bool: """Is the expression a positive semidefinite matrix? """ # Default to False. return False def is_nsd(self) -> bool: """Is the expression a negative semidefinite matrix? """ # Default to False. return False def is_quadratic(self) -> bool: """Is the expression quadratic? """ # Defaults to is constant. return self.is_constant() def has_quadratic_term(self) -> bool: """Does the affine head of the expression contain a quadratic term? The affine head is all nodes with a path to the root node that does not pass through any non-affine atom. If the root node is non-affine, then the affine head is the root alone. """ # Defaults to constant. return self.is_constant() def is_symmetric(self) -> bool: """Is the expression symmetric? """ # Defaults to false unless scalar. return self.is_scalar() def is_skew_symmetric(self) -> bool: """Is this Expression, X, a real matrix that satisfies X + X.T == 0? """ return False def is_pwl(self) -> bool: """Is the expression piecewise linear? """ # Defaults to constant. return self.is_constant() def is_qpwa(self) -> bool: """Is the expression quadratic of piecewise affine? """ return self.is_quadratic() or self.is_pwl() # Sign properties. @property def sign(self) -> str: """str: The sign of the expression. """ if self.is_zero(): sign_str = s.ZERO elif self.is_nonneg(): sign_str = s.NONNEG elif self.is_nonpos(): sign_str = s.NONPOS else: sign_str = s.UNKNOWN return sign_str
[docs] @perf.compute_once def is_zero(self) -> bool: """Is the expression all zero? """ return self.is_nonneg() and self.is_nonpos()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_nonneg(self) -> bool: """Is the expression positive? """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_nonpos(self) -> bool: """Is the expression negative? """ raise NotImplementedError()
@abc.abstractproperty def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """tuple : The expression dimensions. """ raise NotImplementedError() def is_real(self) -> bool: """Is the Leaf real valued? """ return not self.is_complex() @abc.abstractproperty def is_imag(self) -> bool: """Is the Leaf imaginary? """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def is_complex(self) -> bool: """Is the Leaf complex valued? """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def size(self) -> int: """int : The number of entries in the expression. """ return size_from_shape(self.shape) @property def ndim(self) -> int: """int : The number of dimensions in the expression's shape. """ return len(self.shape) def flatten(self, order: str = 'F'): """Vectorizes the expression. order: column-major ('F') or row-major ('C') order. """ assert order in ['F', 'C'] return cvxtypes.vec()(self, order) def is_scalar(self) -> bool: """Is the expression a scalar? """ return all(d == 1 for d in self.shape) def is_vector(self) -> bool: """Is the expression a column or row vector? """ return self.ndim <= 1 or (self.ndim == 2 and min(self.shape) == 1) def is_matrix(self) -> bool: """Is the expression a matrix? """ return self.ndim == 2 and self.shape[0] > 1 and self.shape[1] > 1 def __getitem__(self, key): """Return a slice/index into the expression. """ # Returning self for scalars causes # the built-in sum to hang. if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 0: return self elif ku.is_special_slice(key): return cvxtypes.special_index()(self, key) else: return cvxtypes.index()(self, key) @property def T(self): """Expression : The transpose of the expression. """ # Transpose of a scalar is that scalar. if self.ndim <= 1: return self else: return cvxtypes.transpose()(self) @property def H(self): """Expression : The conjugate-transpose of the expression. """ if self.is_real(): return self.T else: return cvxtypes.conj()(self).T
[docs] def __pow__(self, power: float) -> "Expression": """Raise expression to a power. Parameters ---------- power : float The power to which to raise the expression. Returns ------- Expression The expression raised to ``power``. """ return cvxtypes.power()(self, power)
def __rpow__(self, base: float) -> "Expression": raise NotImplementedError("CVXPY currently does not support variables " "on the right side of **. Consider using the" " identity that a**x = cp.exp(cp.multiply(np" ".log(a), x)).") # Arithmetic operators. @staticmethod def cast_to_const(expr: "Expression"): """Converts a non-Expression to a Constant. """ if isinstance(expr, list): for elem in expr: if isinstance(elem, Expression): raise ValueError( "The input must be a single CVXPY Expression, not a list. " "Combine Expressions using atoms such as bmat, hstack, and vstack." ) return expr if isinstance(expr, Expression) else cvxtypes.constant()(expr) @staticmethod def broadcast(lh_expr: "Expression", rh_expr: "Expression"): """Broacast the binary operator. """ lh_expr = Expression.cast_to_const(lh_expr) rh_expr = Expression.cast_to_const(rh_expr) if lh_expr.is_scalar() and not rh_expr.is_scalar(): lh_expr = cvxtypes.promote()(lh_expr, rh_expr.shape) elif rh_expr.is_scalar() and not lh_expr.is_scalar(): rh_expr = cvxtypes.promote()(rh_expr, lh_expr.shape) # Broadcasting. if lh_expr.ndim == 2 and rh_expr.ndim == 2: # Replicate dimensions of size 1. dims = [max(lh_expr.shape[i], rh_expr.shape[i]) for i in range(2)] # Broadcast along dim 0. if lh_expr.shape[0] == 1 and lh_expr.shape[0] < dims[0]: lh_expr = np.ones((dims[0], 1)) @ lh_expr if rh_expr.shape[0] == 1 and rh_expr.shape[0] < dims[0]: rh_expr = np.ones((dims[0], 1)) @ rh_expr # Broadcast along dim 1. if lh_expr.shape[1] == 1 and lh_expr.shape[1] < dims[1]: lh_expr = lh_expr @ np.ones((1, dims[1])) if rh_expr.shape[1] == 1 and rh_expr.shape[1] < dims[1]: rh_expr = rh_expr @ np.ones((1, dims[1])) return lh_expr, rh_expr
[docs] @_cast_other def __add__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : Sum two expressions. """ if isinstance(other, cvxtypes.constant()) and other.is_zero(): return self self, other = self.broadcast(self, other) return cvxtypes.add_expr()([self, other])
[docs] @_cast_other def __radd__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : Sum two expressions. """ if isinstance(other, cvxtypes.constant()) and other.is_zero(): return self return other + self
[docs] @_cast_other def __sub__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : The difference of two expressions. """ return self + -other
[docs] @_cast_other def __rsub__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : The difference of two expressions. """ return other - self
[docs] @_cast_other def __mul__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : The product of two expressions. """ if self.shape == () or other.shape == (): # Use one argument to apply a scaling to the remaining argument. # We accomplish this with elementwise multiplication, which # casts the scalar argument to match the size of the remaining # argument. return cvxtypes.elmul_expr()(self, other) elif self.shape[-1] != other.shape[0] and \ (self.is_scalar() or other.is_scalar()): # If matmul was intended, this gives a dimension mismatch. We # interpret the ``is_scalar`` results as implying that the user # simply wants to apply a scaling. return cvxtypes.elmul_expr()(self, other) else: # The only reasonable interpretation is that the user intends # to apply matmul. There might be a dimension mismatch, but we # don't check for that here. if not (self.is_constant() or other.is_constant()): if error.warnings_enabled(): warnings.warn("Forming a nonconvex expression.") # Because we want to discourage using ``*`` to call matmul, we # raise a warning to the user. with warnings.catch_warnings(): global __STAR_MATMUL_COUNT__ warnings.simplefilter("always", UserWarning, append=True) msg = __STAR_MATMUL_WARNING__ % __STAR_MATMUL_COUNT__ warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) __STAR_MATMUL_COUNT__ += 1 return cvxtypes.matmul_expr()(self, other)
[docs] @_cast_other def __matmul__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : Matrix multiplication of two expressions. """ if self.shape == () or other.shape == (): raise ValueError("Scalar operands are not allowed, use '*' instead") if isinstance(self, cvxtypes.matmul_expr()): # LHS is matrix multiplication expr, so candidate for QuadForm: # Specifically, iff the matrix multiplication is of the form x.T @ A @ y # such that x == y, A is constant matrix and x is a variable, then it is a QuadForm. if self.args[0] is other and not other.is_constant() and self.args[1].is_constant(): from cvxpy.expressions.cvxtypes import quad_form return quad_form()(other, self.args[1]) return cvxtypes.matmul_expr()(self, other)
[docs] @_cast_other def __truediv__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : One expression divided by another. """ return self.__div__(other)
[docs] @_cast_other def __div__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : One expression divided by another. """ self, other = self.broadcast(self, other) if (self.is_scalar() or other.is_scalar()) or other.shape == self.shape: return cvxtypes.div_expr()(self, other) else: raise ValueError("Incompatible shapes for division (%s / %s)" % ( self.shape, other.shape))
[docs] @_cast_other def __rdiv__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : Called for Number / Expression. """ return other / self
[docs] @_cast_other def __rtruediv__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : Called for Number / Expression. """ return other / self
[docs] @_cast_other def __rmul__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : Called for Number * Expression. """ return other * self
[docs] @_cast_other def __rmatmul__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> "Expression": """Expression : Called for matrix @ Expression. """ if self.shape == () or other.shape == (): raise ValueError("Scalar operands are not allowed, use '*' instead") return cvxtypes.matmul_expr()(other, self)
def __neg__(self): """Expression : The negation of the expression. """ return cvxtypes.neg_expr()(self)
[docs] @_cast_other def __rshift__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> PSD: """PSD : Creates a positive semidefinite inequality. """ return PSD(self - other)
[docs] @_cast_other def __rrshift__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> PSD: """PSD : Creates a positive semidefinite inequality. """ return PSD(other - self)
[docs] @_cast_other def __lshift__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> PSD: """PSD : Creates a negative semidefinite inequality. """ return PSD(other - self)
[docs] @_cast_other def __rlshift__(self, other: ExpressionLike) -> PSD: """PSD : Creates a negative semidefinite inequality. """ return PSD(self - other)
# Needed for Python3: def __hash__(self) -> int: return id(self) # Comparison operators.
[docs] @_cast_other def __eq__(self, other: ExpressionLike): """Equality : Creates a constraint ``self == other``. """ return Equality(self, other)
[docs] @_cast_other def __le__(self, other: ExpressionLike): """Inequality : Creates an inequality constraint ``self <= other``. """ return Inequality(self, other)
def __lt__(self, other: ExpressionLike): raise NotImplementedError("Strict inequalities are not allowed.")
[docs] @_cast_other def __ge__(self, other: ExpressionLike): return Inequality(other, self)
def __gt__(self, other: ExpressionLike): raise NotImplementedError("Strict inequalities are not allowed.") def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *args, **kwargs): try: ufunc_handler = __BINARY_EXPRESSION_UFUNCS__[ufunc] if kwargs == {} and \ len(args) == 2 and \ args[1] is self: return ufunc_handler(self, args[0]) elif kwargs.keys() == {'out'} and \ len(args) == 2 and \ args[1] is self and \ isinstance(kwargs['out'], tuple) and \ len(kwargs['out']) == 1 and \ args[0] is kwargs['out'][0]: raise RuntimeError(__INPLACE_MUTATION_ERROR__) except KeyError: pass raise RuntimeError(__NUMPY_UFUNC_ERROR__) def __abs__(self): raise TypeError(__ABS_ERROR__) def conj(self): """ Equivalent to `cp.conj(self)`. """ from cvxpy import conj return conj(self) def conjugate(self): """ Equivalent to `cp.conj(self)`. """ from cvxpy import conj return conj(self) def cumsum(self, axis=0): """ Equivalent to `cp.cumsum(self, axis)`. """ from cvxpy import cumsum return cumsum(self, axis) def max(self, axis=None, *, keepdims=False): """ Equivalent to `cp.max(self, axis, keepdims)`. """ from cvxpy import max as max_ return max_(self, axis, keepdims) def mean(self, axis=None, *, keepdims=False): """ Equivalent to `cp.mean(self, axis, keepdims)`. """ from cvxpy import mean return mean(self, axis, keepdims) def min(self, axis=None, *, keepdims=False): """ Equivalent to `cp.min(self, axis, keepdims)`. """ from cvxpy import min as min_ return min_(self, axis, keepdims) def prod(self, axis=None, *, keepdims=False): """ Equivalent to `, axis, keepdims)`. """ from cvxpy import prod return prod(self, axis, keepdims) def ptp(self, axis=None, *, keepdims=False): """ Equivalent to `cp.ptp(self, axis, keepdims)`. """ from cvxpy import ptp return ptp(self, axis, keepdims) def reshape(self, shape, order='F'): """ Equivalent to `cp.reshape(self, shape, order)`. """ from cvxpy import reshape return reshape(self, shape, order) def std(self, axis=None, *, ddof=0, keepdims=False): """ Equivalent to `cp.std(self, axis, keepdims)`. """ from cvxpy import std return std(self, axis=axis, ddof=ddof, keepdims=keepdims) def sum(self, axis=None, *, keepdims=False): """ Equivalent to `cp.sum(self, axis, keepdims)`. """ from cvxpy import sum as sum_ return sum_(self, axis, keepdims) def trace(self): """ Equivalent to `cp.trace(self)`. """ from cvxpy import trace return trace(self) def var(self, *, ddof=0): """ Equivalent to `cp.var(self)`. """ from cvxpy import var return var(self, ddof=ddof)