Source code for cvxpy.atoms.affine.reshape

Copyright 2013 Steven Diamond

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from __future__ import annotations

import numbers
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np

import cvxpy.lin_ops.lin_op as lo
import cvxpy.lin_ops.lin_utils as lu
from cvxpy.atoms.affine.affine_atom import AffAtom
from cvxpy.atoms.affine.hstack import hstack
from cvxpy.constraints.constraint import Constraint
from cvxpy.expressions.expression import Expression
from cvxpy.utilities.shape import size_from_shape

[docs]class reshape(AffAtom): """Reshapes the expression. Vectorizes the expression then unvectorizes it into the new shape. The entries are reshaped and stored in column-major order, also known as Fortran order. Parameters ---------- expr : Expression The expression to promote. shape : tuple or int The shape to promote to. order : F(ortran) or C """ def __init__(self, expr, shape: int | Tuple[int, ...], order: str = 'F') -> None: if isinstance(shape, numbers.Integral): shape = (int(shape),) if len(shape) > 2: raise ValueError("Expressions of dimension greater than 2 " "are not supported.") if any(d == -1 for d in shape): shape = self._infer_shape(shape, expr.size) self._shape = tuple(shape) assert order in ['F', 'C'] self.order = order super(reshape, self).__init__(expr) @staticmethod def _infer_shape(shape: Tuple[int, ...], size: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: assert shape.count(-1) == 1, "Only one dimension can be -1." if len(shape) == 1: shape = (size,) else: unspecified_index = shape.index(-1) specified = shape[1 - unspecified_index] assert specified >= 0, "Specified dimension must be nonnegative." unspecified, remainder = divmod(size, shape[1 - unspecified_index]) if remainder != 0: raise ValueError( f"Cannot reshape expression of size {size} into shape {shape}." ) shape = tuple(unspecified if d == -1 else specified for d in shape) return shape def is_atom_log_log_convex(self) -> bool: """Is the atom log-log convex? """ return True def is_atom_log_log_concave(self) -> bool: """Is the atom log-log concave? """ return True @AffAtom.numpy_numeric def numeric(self, values): """Reshape the value. """ return np.reshape(values[0], self.shape, self.order) def validate_arguments(self) -> None: """Checks that the new shape has the same number of entries as the old. """ old_len = self.args[0].size new_len = size_from_shape(self._shape) if not old_len == new_len: raise ValueError( "Invalid reshape dimensions %s." % (self._shape,) ) def shape_from_args(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Returns the shape from the rows, cols arguments. """ return self._shape def get_data(self): """Returns info needed to reconstruct the expression besides the args. """ return [self._shape, self.order] def graph_implementation( self, arg_objs, shape: Tuple[int, ...], data=None ) -> Tuple[lo.LinOp, List[Constraint]]: """Reshape Parameters ---------- arg_objs : list LinExpr for each argument. shape : tuple The shape of the resulting expression. data : Additional data required by the atom. Returns ------- tuple (LinOp for objective, list of constraints) """ arg = arg_objs[0] if data[1] == 'F': return (lu.reshape(arg, shape), []) else: # 'C': arg = lu.transpose(arg) if len(shape) <= 1: return (lu.reshape(arg, shape), []) else: result = lu.reshape(arg, (shape[1], shape[0])) return (lu.transpose(result), [])
def deep_flatten(x): # base cases if isinstance(x, Expression): if len(x.shape) == 1: return x else: return x.flatten() elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or isinstance(x, (int, float)): x = Expression.cast_to_const(x) return x.flatten() # recursion if isinstance(x, list): y = [] for x0 in x: x1 = deep_flatten(x0) y.append(x1) y = hstack(y) return y msg = 'The input to deep_flatten must be an Expression, a NumPy array, an int'\ + ' or float, or a nested list thereof. Received input of type %s' % type(x) raise ValueError(msg)