Source code for cvxpy.atoms.affine.partial_transpose

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# The implementation of partial_transpose is due to @duguyipiao.

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

from cvxpy.atoms.atom import Atom

def _term(expr, i: int, j: int, dims: Tuple[int], axis: Optional[int] = 0):
    """Helper function for partial transpose.

    expr : :class:`~cvxpy.expressions.expression.Expression`
        The 2D expression to take the partial transpose of.
    i : int
        Term in the partial transpose sum.
    j : int
        Term in the partial transpose sum.
    dims : tuple of ints.
        A tuple of integers encoding the dimensions of each subsystem.
    axis : int
        The index of the subsystem to be transposed
        from the tensor product that defines expr.
    # (I ⊗ |i><j| ⊗ I) x (I ⊗ |i><j| ⊗ I) for all (i,j)'s
    # in the system we want to transpose.
    # This function returns the (i,j)-th term in the sum, namely
    # (I ⊗ |i><j| ⊗ I) x (I ⊗ |i><j| ⊗ I).
    a = sp.coo_matrix(([1.0], ([0], [0])))
    for (i_axis, dim) in enumerate(dims):
        if i_axis == axis:
            v = sp.coo_matrix(([1], ([i], [j])), shape=(dim, dim))
            a = sp.kron(a, v)
            eye_mat = sp.eye(dim)
            a = sp.kron(a, eye_mat)
    return a @ expr @ a

[docs]def partial_transpose(expr, dims: Tuple[int, ...], axis: Optional[int] = 0): """ Assumes :math:`\\texttt{expr} = X_1 \\otimes ... \\otimes X_n` is a 2D Kronecker product composed of :math:`n = \\texttt{len(dims)}` implicit subsystems. Letting :math:`k = \\texttt{axis}`, the returned expression is a *partial transpose* of :math:`\\texttt{expr}`, with the transpose applied to its :math:`k^{\\text{th}}` implicit subsystem: .. math:: X_1 \\otimes ... \\otimes X_k^T \\otimes ... \\otimes X_n. Parameters ---------- expr : :class:`~cvxpy.expressions.expression.Expression` The 2D expression to take the partial transpose of. dims : tuple of ints. A tuple of integers encoding the dimensions of each subsystem. axis : int The index of the subsystem to be transposed from the tensor product that defines expr. """ expr = Atom.cast_to_const(expr) if expr.ndim < 2 or expr.shape[0] != expr.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Only supports square matrices.") if axis < 0 or axis >= len(dims): raise ValueError( f"Invalid axis argument, should be between 0 and {len(dims)}, got {axis}." ) if expr.shape[0] != raise ValueError("Dimension of system doesn't correspond to dimension of subsystems.") return sum([ _term(expr, i, j, dims, axis) for i in range(dims[axis]) for j in range(dims[axis]) ])