Structured prediction ===================== In this example\ :math:`\newcommand{\reals}{\mathbf{R}}`\ :math:`\newcommand{\ones}{\mathbf{1}}`, we fit a regression model to structured data, using an LLCP. The training dataset :math:`\mathcal D` contains :math:`N` input-output pairs :math:`(x, y)`, where :math:`x \in \reals^{n}_{++}` is an input and :math:`y \in \reals^{m}_{++}` is an outputs. The entries of each output :math:`y` are sorted in ascending order, meaning :math:`y_1 \leq y_2 \leq \cdots \leq y_m`. Our regression model :math:`\phi : \reals^{n}_{++} \to \reals^{m}_{++}` takes as input a vector :math:`x \in \reals^{n}_{++}`, and solves an LLCP to produce a prediction :math:`\hat y \in \reals^{m}_{++}`. In particular, the solution of the LLCP is model's prediction. The model is of the form .. math:: \begin{equation} \begin{array}{lll} \phi(x) = & \mbox{argmin} & \ones^T (z/y + y / z) \\ & \mbox{subject to} & y_i \leq y_{i+1}, \quad i=1, \ldots, m-1 \\ && z_i = c_i x_1^{A_{i1}}x_2^{A_{i2}}\cdots x_n^{A_{in}}, \quad i = 1, \ldots, m. \end{array}\label{e-model} \end{equation} Here, the minimization is over :math:`y \in \reals^{m}_{++}` and an auxiliary variable :math:`z \in \reals^{m}_{++}`, :math:`\phi(x)` is the optimal value of :math:`y`, and the parameters are :math:`c \in \reals^{m}_{++}` and :math:`A \in \reals^{m \times n}`. The ratios in the objective are meant elementwise, as is the inequality :math:`y \leq z`, and :math:`\ones` denotes the vector of all ones. Given a vector :math:`x`, this model finds a sorted vector :math:`\hat y` whose entries are close to monomial functions of :math:`x` (which are the entries of :math:`z`), as measured by the fractional error. The training loss :math:`\mathcal{L}(\phi)` of the model on the training set is the mean squared loss .. math:: \mathcal{L}(\phi) = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{(x, y) \in \mathcal D} \|y - \phi(x)\|_2^2. We emphasize that :math:`\mathcal{L}(\phi)` depends on :math:`c` and :math:`A`. In this example, we fit the parameters :math:`c` and :math:`A` in the LLCP to minimize the training loss :math:`\mathcal{L}(\phi)`. **Fitting.** We fit the parameters by an iterative projected gradient descent method on :math:`\mathcal L(\phi)`. In each iteration, we first compute predictions :math:`\phi(x)` for each input in the training set; this requires solving :math:`N` LLCPs. Next, we evaluate the training loss :math:`\mathcal L(\phi)`. To update the parameters, we compute the gradient :math:`\nabla \mathcal L(\phi)` of the training loss with respect to the parameters :math:`c` and :math:`A`. This requires differentiating through the solution map of the LLCP. We can compute this gradient efficiently, using the ``backward`` method in CVXPY (or CVXPY Layers). Finally, we subtract a small multiple of the gradient from the parameters. Care must be taken to ensure that :math:`c` is strictly positive; this can be done by clamping the entries of :math:`c` at some small threshold slightly above zero. We run this method for a fixed number of iterations. This example is described in the paper `Differentiating through Log-Log Convex Programs `__. Shane Barratt formulated the idea of using an optimization layer to regress on sorted vectors. **Requirements.** This example requires PyTorch and CvxpyLayers >= v0.1.3. .. code:: ipython3 from cvxpylayers.torch import CvxpyLayer import cvxpy as cp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import torch torch.set_default_tensor_type(torch.DoubleTensor) %matplotlib inline Data generation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ipython3 n = 20 m = 10 # Number of training input-output pairs N = 100 # Number of validation pairs N_val = 50 .. code:: ipython3 torch.random.manual_seed(243) np.random.seed(243) normal = torch.distributions.multivariate_normal.MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(n), torch.eye(n)) lognormal = lambda batch: torch.exp(normal.sample(torch.tensor([batch]))) A_true = torch.randn((m, n)) / 10 c_true = np.abs(torch.randn(m)) .. code:: ipython3 def generate_data(num_points, seed): torch.random.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) latent = lognormal(num_points) noise = lognormal(num_points) inputs = noise + latent input_cp = cp.Parameter(pos=True, shape=(n,)) prediction = cp.multiply(c_true.numpy(), cp.gmatmul(A_true.numpy(), input_cp)) y = cp.Variable(pos=True, shape=(m,)) objective_fn = cp.sum(prediction / y + y/prediction) constraints = [] for i in range(m-1): constraints += [y[i] <= y[i+1]] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective_fn), constraints) outputs = [] for i in range(num_points): input_cp.value = inputs[i, :].numpy() problem.solve(cp.SCS, gp=True) outputs.append(y.value) return inputs, torch.stack([torch.tensor(t) for t in outputs]) .. code:: ipython3 train_inputs, train_outputs = generate_data(N, 243) plt.plot(train_outputs[0, :].numpy()) .. parsed-literal:: [] .. image:: structured_prediction_files/structured_prediction_6_1.png .. code:: ipython3 val_inputs, val_outputs = generate_data(N_val, 0) plt.plot(val_outputs[0, :].numpy()) .. parsed-literal:: [] .. image:: structured_prediction_files/structured_prediction_7_1.png Monomial fit to each component ------------------------------ We will initialize the parameters in our LLCP model by fitting monomials to the training data, without enforcing the monotonicity constraint. .. code:: ipython3 log_c = cp.Variable(shape=(m,1)) theta = cp.Variable(shape=(n, m)) inputs_np = train_inputs.numpy() log_outputs_np = np.log(train_outputs.numpy()).T log_inputs_np = np.log(inputs_np).T offsets = cp.hstack([log_c]*N) .. code:: ipython3 cp_preds = theta.T @ log_inputs_np + offsets objective_fn = (1/N) * cp.sum_squares(cp_preds - log_outputs_np) lstq_problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective_fn)) .. code:: ipython3 lstq_problem.is_dcp() .. parsed-literal:: True .. code:: ipython3 lstq_problem.solve(verbose=True) .. parsed-literal:: ----------------------------------------------------------------- OSQP v0.6.0 - Operator Splitting QP Solver (c) Bartolomeo Stellato, Goran Banjac University of Oxford - Stanford University 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------- problem: variables n = 1210, constraints m = 1000 nnz(P) + nnz(A) = 23000 settings: linear system solver = qdldl, eps_abs = 1.0e-05, eps_rel = 1.0e-05, eps_prim_inf = 1.0e-04, eps_dual_inf = 1.0e-04, rho = 1.00e-01 (adaptive), sigma = 1.00e-06, alpha = 1.60, max_iter = 10000 check_termination: on (interval 25), scaling: on, scaled_termination: off warm start: on, polish: on, time_limit: off iter objective pri res dua res rho time 1 0.0000e+00 3.30e+00 1.22e+04 1.00e-01 3.06e-03s 50 1.0014e-02 1.72e-07 1.64e-07 1.75e-03 7.37e-03s plsh 1.0014e-02 1.56e-15 1.17e-14 -------- 9.68e-03s status: solved solution polish: successful number of iterations: 50 optimal objective: 0.0100 run time: 9.68e-03s optimal rho estimate: 8.77e-05 .. parsed-literal:: 0.010014212812318733 .. code:: ipython3 c = torch.exp(torch.tensor(log_c.value)).squeeze() lstsq_val_preds = [] for i in range(N_val): inp = val_inputs[i, :].numpy() pred = cp.multiply(c,cp.gmatmul(theta.T.value, inp)) lstsq_val_preds.append(pred.value) Fitting ------- .. code:: ipython3 A_param = cp.Parameter(shape=(m, n)) c_param = cp.Parameter(pos=True, shape=(m,)) x_slack = cp.Variable(pos=True, shape=(n,)) x_param = cp.Parameter(pos=True, shape=(n,)) y = cp.Variable(pos=True, shape=(m,)) prediction = cp.multiply(c_param, cp.gmatmul(A_param, x_slack)) objective_fn = cp.sum(prediction / y + y / prediction) constraints = [x_slack == x_param] for i in range(m-1): constraints += [y[i] <= y[i+1]] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective_fn), constraints) problem.is_dgp(dpp=True) .. parsed-literal:: True .. code:: ipython3 A_param.value = np.random.randn(m, n) x_param.value = np.abs(np.random.randn(n)) c_param.value = np.abs(np.random.randn(m)) layer = CvxpyLayer(problem, parameters=[A_param, c_param, x_param], variables=[y], gp=True) .. code:: ipython3 torch.random.manual_seed(1) A_tch = torch.tensor(theta.T.value) A_tch.requires_grad_(True) c_tch = torch.tensor(np.squeeze(np.exp(log_c.value))) c_tch.requires_grad_(True) train_losses = [] val_losses = [] lam1 = torch.tensor(1e-1) lam2 = torch.tensor(1e-1) opt = torch.optim.SGD([A_tch, c_tch], lr=5e-2) for epoch in range(10): preds = layer(A_tch, c_tch, train_inputs, solver_args={'acceleration_lookback': 0})[0] loss = (preds - train_outputs).pow(2).sum(axis=1).mean(axis=0) with torch.no_grad(): val_preds = layer(A_tch, c_tch, val_inputs, solver_args={'acceleration_lookback': 0})[0] val_loss = (val_preds - val_outputs).pow(2).sum(axis=1).mean(axis=0) print('(epoch {0}) train / val ({1:.4f} / {2:.4f}) '.format(epoch, loss, val_loss)) train_losses.append(loss.item()) val_losses.append(val_loss.item()) opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt.step() with torch.no_grad(): c_tch = torch.max(c_tch, torch.tensor(1e-8)) .. parsed-literal:: (epoch 0) train / val (0.0018 / 0.0014) (epoch 1) train / val (0.0017 / 0.0014) (epoch 2) train / val (0.0017 / 0.0014) (epoch 3) train / val (0.0017 / 0.0014) (epoch 4) train / val (0.0017 / 0.0014) (epoch 5) train / val (0.0017 / 0.0014) (epoch 6) train / val (0.0016 / 0.0014) (epoch 7) train / val (0.0016 / 0.0014) (epoch 8) train / val (0.0016 / 0.0014) (epoch 9) train / val (0.0016 / 0.0014) .. code:: ipython3 with torch.no_grad(): train_preds_tch = layer(A_tch, c_tch, train_inputs)[0] train_preds = [t.detach().numpy() for t in train_preds_tch] .. code:: ipython3 with torch.no_grad(): val_preds_tch = layer(A_tch, c_tch, val_inputs)[0] val_preds = [t.detach().numpy() for t in val_preds_tch] .. code:: ipython3 fig = plt.figure() i = 0 plt.plot(val_preds[i], label='LLCP', color='teal') plt.plot(lstsq_val_preds[i], label='least squares', linestyle='--', color='gray') plt.plot(val_outputs[i], label='true', linestyle='-.', color='orange') w, h = 8, 3.5 plt.xlabel(r'$i$') plt.ylabel(r'$y_i$') plt.legend() .. image:: structured_prediction_files/structured_prediction_20_0.png