Problems ======================= The :class:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem` class is the entry point to specifying and solving optimization problems. Each :class:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem` instance encapsulates an optimization problem, i.e., an objective and a set of constraints. The :meth:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem.solve` method either solves the problem encoded by the instance, returning the optimal value and setting variables values to optimal points, or reports that the problem was in fact infeasible or unbounded. You can construct a problem, solve it, and inspect both its value and the values of its variables like so: .. code:: python problem = Problem(Minimize(expression), constraints) problem.solve() if problem.status not in ["infeasible", "unbounded"]: # Otherwise, problem.value is inf or -inf, respectively. print("Optimal value: %s" % problem.value) for variable in problem.variables(): print("Variable %s: value %s" % (, variable.value)) Problems are *immutable*, except through the specification of :class:`~cvxpy.expressions.constants.parameter.Parameter` values. This means that you *cannot* modify a problem's objective or constraints after you have created it. If you find yourself wanting to add a constraint to an existing problem, you should instead create a new problem using, for example, the following idiom: .. code:: python problem = Problem(Minimize(expression), constraints) problem = Problem(problem.objective, problem.constraints + new_constraints) Most users need not know anything about the :class:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem` class except how to instantiate it, how to solve problem instances (:meth:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem.solve`), and how to query the solver results (:attr:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem.status` and :attr:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem.value`). Information about the size of a problem instance and statistics about the most recent solve invocation are captured by the :class:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.SizeMetrics` and :class:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.SolverStats` classes, respectively, and can be accessed via the :meth:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem.size_metrics` and :meth:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem.solver_stats` properties of the :class:`~cvxpy.problems.problem.Problem` class. .. contents:: :local: Minimize -------- .. autoclass:: cvxpy.Minimize :members: is_dcp, is_dgp :undoc-members: Maximize -------- .. autoclass:: cvxpy.Maximize :members: is_dcp, is_dgp :undoc-members: Problem ------- .. autoclass:: cvxpy.Problem :members: value, status, objective, constraints, is_dcp, is_dgp, is_dqcp, is_qp, is_dpp, variables, parameters, constants, backward, derivative, atoms, size_metrics, solver_stats, compilation_time, solve, register_solve, get_problem_data, unpack_results :undoc-members: :member-order: groupwise SizeMetrics ----------- .. autoclass:: cvxpy.problems.problem.SizeMetrics :members: :undoc-members: SolverStats ----------- .. autoclass:: cvxpy.problems.problem.SolverStats :members: :undoc-members: