Atoms ==================== An atom (with a lower-case "a") is a mathematical function that can be applied to :class:`~cvxpy.Expression` objects and returns an :class:`~cvxpy.Expression` object. Atoms and compositions thereof are precisely the mechanisms that allow you to build up mathematical expression trees in CVXPY. Every atom is tagged with information about its domain, sign, curvature, log-log curvature, and monotonicity; this information lets atom instances reason about whether or not they are DCP or DGP. See the :ref:`functions` page for a compact, accessible summary of each atom's attributes. .. toctree:: Affine Atoms Elementwise Atoms Other Atoms Representation of atoms ----------------------- From an implementation perspective, an atom might be the constructor for some class. For example, the atom :math:`X \mapsto \lambda_{\max}(X)` is applied by constructing an instance of the :class:`~cvxpy.atoms.lambda_max.lambda_max` class, which inherits directly from :class:`~cvxpy.atoms.atom.Atom` and indirectly from :class:`~cvxpy.expressions.expression.Expression`. Most atoms are implemented this way. Alternatively, an atom be a wrapper that initializes and returns an Atom of some other class. For example, running .. code:: python import cvxpy as cp X = cp.Variable(shape=(2,2), symmetric=True) expr = cp.lambda_min(X) print(type(expr)) shows .. parsed-literal:: This happens because *(1)* CVXPY implements :func:`~cvxpy.atoms.lambda_min.lambda_min` as .. math:: \lambda_{\min}(X) = -\lambda_{\max}(-X), *(2)* the negation operator is a class-based atom, and *(3)* the precise type of an Expression is based on the last class-based atom applied to it (if any such atom has been applied). Atom ---- .. autoclass:: cvxpy.atoms.atom.Atom :members: is_atom_convex, is_atom_concave, is_atom_affine, is_atom_log_log_convex, is_atom_log_log_concave, is_atom_log_log_affine, is_incr, is_decr, grad, domain :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: