Machine Learning: Ridge Regression ================================== Ridge regression is a regression technique that is quite similar to unadorned least squares linear regression: simply adding an :math:`\ell_2` **penalty** on the parameters :math:`\beta` to the objective function for linear regression yields the objective function for ridge regression. Our goal is to find an assignment to :math:`\beta` that minimizes the function .. math:: f(\beta) = \|X\beta - Y\|_2^2 + \lambda \|\beta\|_2^2, where :math:`\lambda` is a hyperparameter and, as usual, :math:`X` is the training data and :math:`Y` the observations. In practice, we tune :math:`\lambda` until we find a model that generalizes well to the test data. Ridge regression is an example of a **shrinkage method**: compared to least squares, it shrinks the parameter estimates in the hopes of **reducing variance, improving prediction accuracy, and aiding interpetation**. In this notebook, we show how to fit a ridge regression model using CVXPY, how to evaluate the model, and how to tune the hyper-parameter :math:`\lambda`. .. code:: python import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Writing the objective function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We can decompose the **objective function** as the sum of a **least squares loss function** and an :math:`\ell_2` **regularizer**. .. code:: python def loss_fn(X, Y, beta): return cp.pnorm(X @ beta - Y, p=2)**2 def regularizer(beta): return cp.pnorm(beta, p=2)**2 def objective_fn(X, Y, beta, lambd): return loss_fn(X, Y, beta) + lambd * regularizer(beta) def mse(X, Y, beta): return (1.0 / X.shape[0]) * loss_fn(X, Y, beta).value Generating data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because ridge regression encourages the parameter estimates to be small, and as such tends to lead to models with **less variance** than those fit with vanilla linear regression. We generate a small dataset that will illustrate this. .. code:: python def generate_data(m=100, n=20, sigma=5): "Generates data matrix X and observations Y." np.random.seed(1) beta_star = np.random.randn(n) # Generate an ill-conditioned data matrix X = np.random.randn(m, n) # Corrupt the observations with additive Gaussian noise Y = + np.random.normal(0, sigma, size=m) return X, Y m = 100 n = 20 sigma = 5 X, Y = generate_data(m, n, sigma) X_train = X[:50, :] Y_train = Y[:50] X_test = X[50:, :] Y_test = Y[50:] Fitting the model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All we need to do to fit the model is create a CVXPY problem where the objective is to minimize the the objective function defined above. We make :math:`\lambda` a CVXPY parameter, so that we can use a single CVXPY problem to obtain estimates for many values of :math:`\lambda`. .. code:: python beta = cp.Variable(n) lambd = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective_fn(X_train, Y_train, beta, lambd))) lambd_values = np.logspace(-2, 3, 50) train_errors = [] test_errors = [] beta_values = [] for v in lambd_values: lambd.value = v problem.solve() train_errors.append(mse(X_train, Y_train, beta)) test_errors.append(mse(X_test, Y_test, beta)) beta_values.append(beta.value) Evaluating the model ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice that, up to a point, penalizing the size of the parameters reduces test error at the cost of increasing the training error, trading off higher bias for lower variance; in other words, this indicates that, for our example, a properly tuned ridge regression **generalizes better** than a least squares linear regression. .. code:: python %matplotlib inline %config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg' def plot_train_test_errors(train_errors, test_errors, lambd_values): plt.plot(lambd_values, train_errors, label="Train error") plt.plot(lambd_values, test_errors, label="Test error") plt.xscale("log") plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.xlabel(r"$\lambda$", fontsize=16) plt.title("Mean Squared Error (MSE)") plot_train_test_errors(train_errors, test_errors, lambd_values) .. image:: ridge_regression_files/ridge_regression_9_0.svg Regularization path ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As expected, increasing :math:`\lambda` drives the parameters towards :math:`0`. In a real-world example, those parameters that approach zero slower than others might correspond to the more **informative** features. It is in this sense that ridge regression can be considered **model selection.** .. code:: python def plot_regularization_path(lambd_values, beta_values): num_coeffs = len(beta_values[0]) for i in range(num_coeffs): plt.plot(lambd_values, [wi[i] for wi in beta_values]) plt.xlabel(r"$\lambda$", fontsize=16) plt.xscale("log") plt.title("Regularization Path") plot_regularization_path(lambd_values, beta_values) .. image:: ridge_regression_files/ridge_regression_11_0.svg